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The Territory module contains data for countries, cities, post offices and also contains local administrative units, like municipalities and counties for a particular country. Taking that into account the Territory module is a great solution for companies that do a lot of business abroad. For example, if you have to make an invoice for a client in another country, the Invoicing app is directly linked to the territory register and pulls the data from it, so by choosing the right country the Territory module brings you data like taxes and similar data. You can see in what way this is helpful and time saving, now let's see all the benefits of Territory module.

One of the main advantages of the Territory module is that it's data is integrated with other registers on n-aos Cloud Platform, such as the Partners module (Customers, Suppliers, Employees) and Organization module (Internal organization). The data integration strengthens data consistency while it is also used indirectly for transactional data in Invoicing module, Work module, Assets module, etc.

The module initially brings data for 247 countries and territories and more than 900 000 cities.

Sub modules

Territorial structure

This sub module brings countries with extended data as flags, currency, maps, population, statistical classification etc. Together with cities and post offices in the country makes global territory register in which users can browse, add or update their local and global territorial data.

Countries register brings all relevant data such as international country name, two and three letters codes, ISO standard numeric code, flag, population, area in square km, links to maps and wikipedia for country, economic activity classification system used in country and UN subregion classification.

Local government

This sub module brings, administrative structure of the country where your company or institution or association operates (country selected in Company/Institution/Association data). This register consists of provinces or counties with municipalities.


We hope this short overview of n-aos Territory module was helpful for more info on n-aos Cloud follow us on Facebook or Twitter.





Company develops, implements and maintains business and technological software.

N-LAB is a privately owned company established in 1994.

Company scores stability, growth and increasing number of users on global market throughout each year of existence. Internal and external organization is guided by the quality management system.

20 years of experience in providing mud logging, drilling control and log drawing and reporting software for our customers worldwide. PeN-LAB system is the best independent software solution for building new mud logging units, renewal of old units, starting mud logging business, boost your competitive strength on the market.



lat = 45.8491833333,

lon = 16.0825840814

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N-LAB d.o.o.  Žugčićeva 22, Zagreb, Croatia 
T: +385 1 2949 900,  F: +385 1 2949 906,  e-mail

N-LAB d.o.o. was founded in 1994.

Registered at the Commercial Court in Zagreb under number 080245127,  VATid: HR71122610349,  bank account at Zagrebačka banka d.d. IBAN: HR392360000110128xxxx,  the share capital in the amount of 444 900,00 HRK paid in full.  Management: Krešo Vrkić (Director).

NKD 2007:  62.01


N-LAB d.o.o.  Žugčićeva 22, Zagreb, Hrvatska
T: +385 1 2949 900,  F: +385 1 2949 906,  el. pošta

N-LAB d.o.o. je osnovan 1994. 

Upisan u registar Trgovačkog suda u Zagrebu pod broj 080245127, OIB:71122610349, poslovni račun kod Zagrebačke banke d.d. IBAN: HR392360000110128xxxx, temeljni kapital u iznosu od 444 900,00 HRK uplačen je u cijelosti. Uprava: Krešo Vrkić (direktor).

NKD 2007:  62.01