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Using online applications isn't all about cutting your software costs to a bare minimum – it's all about the flexibility and simplicity.
Imagine acquiring a new application that you don't have to install on every computer and there's no need for an in-house server. That in itself is great benefit, but we can offer you more, our business application package is packed with useful applications that are all integrated in a single platform. Here are just some of the benefits of using online applications.



All applications are in one place and accessible from anywhere

For example, let's say your company employs field workers that are always on the move. They need access to a particular application like Invoicing or maybe they need some info. With n-aos FLEX they can access everything they need by using their smartphone, tablet or laptop.

n-aos Solutions is also great if some of your employees work remotely from their homes or they are freelancers. If they need to access an application like Assets or some info from, let's say, your company Partners registry, you can grant them access or share the app. Of course you can grant read only or read and write access.


Become more efficient

Sharing, editing and collaborating on documents isn't a problem anymore, because the whole organization works on the same set of documents and applications in real time. In a sense, all of your data is centralized in one place and not scattered on several computers and servers. That's why you can forget about merging a tonne of excel spreadsheets then manually sharing them. The data is accessible to all the workers, anytime and anywhere, the only thing you'll need is an internet browser.


Lower your capital expenses

There is no need to purchase a server or storage devices anymore and all those switches, routers and other equipment that supported the servers. Without all that equipment your IT staff can focus on a more challenging task.








Company develops, implements and maintains business and technological software.

N-LAB is a privately owned company established in 1994.

Company scores stability, growth and increasing number of users on global market throughout each year of existence. Internal and external organization is guided by the quality management system.

20 years of experience in providing mud logging, drilling control and log drawing and reporting software for our customers worldwide. PeN-LAB system is the best independent software solution for building new mud logging units, renewal of old units, starting mud logging business, boost your competitive strength on the market.



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N-LAB d.o.o.  Žugčićeva 22, Zagreb, Croatia 
T: +385 1 2949 900,  F: +385 1 2949 906,  e-mail

N-LAB d.o.o. was founded in 1994.

Registered at the Commercial Court in Zagreb under number 080245127,  VATid: HR71122610349,  bank account at Zagrebačka banka d.d. IBAN: HR392360000110128xxxx,  the share capital in the amount of 444 900,00 HRK paid in full.  Management: Krešo Vrkić (Director).

NKD 2007:  62.01


N-LAB d.o.o.  Žugčićeva 22, Zagreb, Hrvatska
T: +385 1 2949 900,  F: +385 1 2949 906,  el. pošta

N-LAB d.o.o. je osnovan 1994. 

Upisan u registar Trgovačkog suda u Zagrebu pod broj 080245127, OIB:71122610349, poslovni račun kod Zagrebačke banke d.d. IBAN: HR392360000110128xxxx, temeljni kapital u iznosu od 444 900,00 HRK uplačen je u cijelosti. Uprava: Krešo Vrkić (direktor).

NKD 2007:  62.01