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To make custom object and create customized user interface, n-aos Application Builder uses structured meta data.

Custom structure

Custom structure is descriptive data layer (meta data) that is applied to a functional database object, in order to adapt to the needs of the user interface and implement additional functionality over that object. Programming in n-aos Builder is reduced to minimum. Data-driven philosophy rules all the way, so structured meta data replaces classic coding.

Work with custom structure is realized in n-aos Builder, sub-module Customization.

Custom Structure is organized in three major data sets:

  • Database object (presented in Parent section after you click on Custom object in tree view menu on left side),
  • Custom object (presented in Main section after you click on Custom object in tree view menu on left side)
  • Object fields (presented in Master/Details section after you click on any of record in main grid)


Database object carries the information:

  1. functional object unique identification - Code, Name
  2. database object type and list of database objects - one or more database tables or updatable views of which functional object is built
  3. internal operations handling objects for executing CRUD operations over the functional object




Custom object record carries the information about itself and custom structure where it is placed:

  1. object unique identification - code, name,  order and description
  2. link on functional database object that is subject of customization,
  3. structural placing, presentation and relations with other objects,
    • group or module where the object belongs,
    • section position on which object appear in the interface, corresponds also with type of functional database object
      • folder or sub module - placeholder and top position in every structure,
      • main, parents, master/details, info, details - positions and relation attribute for recordset like functional database objects
      • action procedure - reserved for stored procedures for processing data, when used, generic functional objects for stored procedures must be selected,
      • ....
    • parent object code - the object in the same structure that drives this object in the interface (folder object drives objects in main section, main section objects drive all other objects from other sections)
    • page size as the number of visible records per page to display
  4. functionalities to use in custom object, what operations will be carried out on the object,
  5. internationalization, multilingual name and  multilingual description.



 fields carries the informations about object columns:

  1. custom object to which it belongs
  2. column properties that comes from database object 
  3. meta data properties that explains column behavior on the user interface







Builder overviews:   |   DB modeling  |   Linked server  |   Customization  |   Create simple App  |   Share Apps  |   Settings  |   Interface  |   Custom structure  |   Linguist  |  








Company develops, implements and maintains business and technological software.

N-LAB is a privately owned company established in 1994.

Company scores stability, growth and increasing number of users on global market throughout each year of existence. Internal and external organization is guided by the quality management system.

20 years of experience in providing mud logging, drilling control and log drawing and reporting software for our customers worldwide. PeN-LAB system is the best independent software solution for building new mud logging units, renewal of old units, starting mud logging business, boost your competitive strength on the market.



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N-LAB d.o.o.  Žugčićeva 22, Zagreb, Croatia 
T: +385 1 2949 900,  F: +385 1 2949 906,  e-mail

N-LAB d.o.o. was founded in 1994.

Registered at the Commercial Court in Zagreb under number 080245127,  VATid: HR71122610349,  bank account at Zagrebačka banka d.d. IBAN: HR392360000110128xxxx,  the share capital in the amount of 444 900,00 HRK paid in full.  Management: Krešo Vrkić (Director).

NKD 2007:  62.01


N-LAB d.o.o.  Žugčićeva 22, Zagreb, Hrvatska
T: +385 1 2949 900,  F: +385 1 2949 906,  el. pošta

N-LAB d.o.o. je osnovan 1994. 

Upisan u registar Trgovačkog suda u Zagrebu pod broj 080245127, OIB:71122610349, poslovni račun kod Zagrebačke banke d.d. IBAN: HR392360000110128xxxx, temeljni kapital u iznosu od 444 900,00 HRK uplačen je u cijelosti. Uprava: Krešo Vrkić (direktor).

NKD 2007:  62.01